Monday, June 28, 2010

Just a random post :)

So today I realized that I am moving in a month and a half!! I am so nervous. I am also excited, scared, sad, happy, ecstatic, anxious. I feel like I wanna move but then I don't in a way. Anyone know how that feels?? I am going to college in florida! That is 600 miles away from where I live!! That is crazy.

<-----This is a picture of the college that I am gonna be attending in the fall. I am super pumped! I am gonna love it. I am gonna be thinking about a lot of stuff as I transition to college life. I am gonna definitely gonna need the support of my friends.

<----This girl on the right is absolutely freaking amazing! I love her to death. I miss her like crazy right now though. She is on a mission trip to Honduras for the entire summer. The things she does really inspires me to do things. She has gone on another mission trip before. She went to Costa Rica last summer. She is amazing and she is gonna do great things in her future! Love you Brittany!
Over and out!!


  1. I know. I am missing Britt like crazzzzzzAY. AHHHH! I am praying for her though... everyday. all the time.

    Also I am always gonna be there for you, rough and thin... always there. You can text or call me whenever you need a friend in FL.

    I love you girl.


  2. I'm moving 7 hours away from home. I can't believe it, either!
